Monday, November 15, 2010

Oranges are like Jesus

My friend Gretchen brought home to me that Christ is like an orange.

People ask me, "what are you doing to evangelize your parish?. Do you go door-to-door? Do you 'witness' on the street? Do you tell people about Jesus and how they're going to benefit from His love?" My friend Gretchen, the Children's Minister at our church, made the best case for evangelism I've heard in a long time. I learned this...I can tell you how Jesus will affect you like I could tell how an orange tastes when you've never had one!

I cannot describe the texture, taste or acidity. I cannot tell you how wonderful you will feel after weeks of subscribing to the health benefits of that vitamin. My description of the joy of that fruit will not be your same experience. I actually have no claim to the sweetness. YOU have to experience orange and Jesus in YOUR OWN WAY!

If I were to 'tell' people about how they will 'feel' Jesus, then I'm only thinking about myself. My wish is to invite people to feel Jesus for themselves...their own intelligent, feeling and thinking selves. THAT is the witness. That is the way to evangelize! That is the way to tell people they are smart enough to figure it out. Do NOT explain Jesus when Jesus is unexplainable. Do NOT believe that Jesus is the same for everyone. Do NOT believe you have a monopoly on who Jesus is. You're a cherished child of God but you're not the only one :)

Do it now!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Calm after the storm

The morning...6:00 on a Saturday. All is lovely and calm and I wake in peace and make the coffee. Next...meditation and Bible study. There are moments of question, wonder and peace. Then for the list of Saturday things...chores, correspondance, domestic shopping. Then...BANG! A storm hit us today that really scared me. I went outside and brought everything in that I didn't want to blow away. I cleared out all of the junk from the pantry floor and got in just to make sure I fit. Sure nuff, the weatherman said I should get in there! So I did! I worried about the yard, the roof and trees.
After the sirens stopped and the wind ceased, I came out. I approached the back door tenderly and found that all was well. In my hurried moments of preparring for a storm, I thought, "Why were all those thing not already taken care of? Why hadn't I already put things away that didn't belong outside in the first place?
Why are there things in my life that are 'out there'. That should be 'in'? Why do I wait till there is a crisis to protect and organize my life?

Monday, May 3, 2010


Today I was driving along like a normal human being when I saw a billboard advertising this little snack. It's just a snack that KFC is so pleased to bring us. We all need to eat, right? So why not eat this meaty and scrumptous It's two deep fried chicken breasts instead of bread surrounding cheese, bacon and some sauce I can't identify...and numerous other ingredients that aren't revealed I'm sure!!!!!!

Okay! So I'm displeased! Why is anyone offering this horible abomination? Do they not listen to health reports? Do they not care about people who are forced to purchase their dinner from fast food restaurants? If I were suicidal...I just might get in my car and drive 3 miles for this meal!!! What in heavens name are they thinking??? just take a good long look at this product and tell me you're not disgusted!! Go ahead...tell me!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The End is Near!!!

Thank heavens...thanks goodness it's almost over. The end of Lent is near and Easter and the promise of our salvation from ourselves is near. I'm tired. I'm done. I'm ready for this moment of forgiveness...of self realization and renewal. Every year Lent nearly does me in. Remember that I'm Lutheran at heart and teter on the Martin way of self examination. Is this horrible? Is this detrimental? Perhaps. But I know that as I make this journey, I'm truly doing the work to learn, to become and to be the servant and loving person God designed me to be. As we experience Holy Week we journey with all Christians in the way of joy and discovery in this moment of amazement and celebration in the moment of realization of love for all people. Christ only wants us to love and embrace each other. Join with me as we wait for a renewed love for all people in servanthood and respect.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Plantings

I've just planted my spring garden. I got dirty with stuff under my nails and everything...wonderful! I'm looking at those little seedlings and thinking, "when will you produce?! When will I see the fruits of my labor." I think of the tilling, the sweat, the wishing and dreaming of what I might 'get' from this gardening action. How can I not compare this planting to the work done in relationships, in meeting new people and the simple act of investing in just living.

During this season of Lent so much work is done to grow and become...will I see a result? Will I 'be' something new after all this work? Or will I just be the same as before...dormant and deaf? After I plant something I find myself checking on the plants every morning. I actually speak to the plants and think silently..."are you happy and content? Do you have enough water, sun and nutrients?" Why wouldn't I wonder the same about myself? Do I have enough strength, study and umph to continue to grow and actually produce? I must remember to love, condition and listen (as I think my plants do) so I may grow and be fruitful for those around me.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Growth Spurts Hurt!

Do you remember when you were about 12 to 16 years old and an adult who hadn't seen you in a while would say, "You're growing like a weed!" I remember thinking that I didn't feel like I had changed all that much but realized, I saw myself every day and wouldn't notice any big changes in my appearance. All youth experience growth spurts where it seems like their stomachs are bottomless pits and they experience actual pain as their bones elongate and their bodies stretch into more adult-like beings. In addition to the physical changes there are the emotional changes. To one degree or another there is teenage angst! The figuring out...The wondering why...the fighting rage against authority as we find our independance. It's a huge transformation at that time in everyone life...we've all experienced it.
Today is Fat Tuesday or as I'm already aware, the day before Ash Wednesday. Tomorrow is the day that begins our 40 days of painful growth. It's strange to imagine that any season of the church year should or could be painful and I'm certainly not advocating that we dread this time. My thoughts lean more toward honest reflection and thorough examination as we prepare for the celebration of Easter. My challenge each year is to find the exercise which will bring me the most awareness of God...will help me best hear God speaking to me about God's love for me and which direction I should face when thinking about personal growth and closeness to God and the resulting love I can exhibit to those who are hurting or are in need. It may be through an organized Lenten study. It could be through quiet reflection each day with journaling. It could be experienced in a dedicated time of silence and meditation in which we listen intently to the inner voice through which God speaks.
The painful part is the intense act of facing myself and bringing forth those parts of me with which I am dissatified. The parts of me that worry, distrust, seek to control and are selfish. I know when I'm on the other side of this Lenten journey I will have experienced a growth spurt. If we fully participate in this preparation we will have grown and could possibly suprise ourselves in our outcome. We could look into the mirror and exclaim, "Wow, You've grown like a weed!"
My challenge today is that we all decide to engage and participate in this opportunity to discover, grow and become as we prepare for the season of Easter.