Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Plantings

I've just planted my spring garden. I got dirty with stuff under my nails and everything...wonderful! I'm looking at those little seedlings and thinking, "when will you produce?! When will I see the fruits of my labor." I think of the tilling, the sweat, the wishing and dreaming of what I might 'get' from this gardening action. How can I not compare this planting to the work done in relationships, in meeting new people and the simple act of investing in just living.

During this season of Lent so much work is done to grow and become...will I see a result? Will I 'be' something new after all this work? Or will I just be the same as before...dormant and deaf? After I plant something I find myself checking on the plants every morning. I actually speak to the plants and think silently..."are you happy and content? Do you have enough water, sun and nutrients?" Why wouldn't I wonder the same about myself? Do I have enough strength, study and umph to continue to grow and actually produce? I must remember to love, condition and listen (as I think my plants do) so I may grow and be fruitful for those around me.

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