Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Glory in the Morning

I tend to be a creature of habit. Some would even say stubborn and set in my ways (quiet Alvaro!) I'm highly aware of this, shall we say, negative personality trait and truly give it my best when it comes to the growth department and strive to be more flexible and bending. However, one thing that can throw my day into a horrible tailspin is if I don't get to start my day by spending at least 15 minutes in my back yard with my coffee and toast. I get up and with one eye open make the coffee. It's usually pretty early. Then I turn on the TV to see if it's going to rain or not. Then I turn on the oven and make toast and spread a little apple butter that my friend made me recently. Then I go outside, sit in the same chair that I always sit in and eat my breakfast. But there is one wonderful addition during the summertime. I get to count morning glory blooms. Yesterday from the size of the buds I saw, I predicted that I would have 11 blooms this morning...I HAD 17! I know what you're thinking...perhaps Rachel doesn't have enough to do. Perhaps Rachel should just get in the shower, get ready and go to work early if she has all this time on her hands...perhaps she should go to the gym! (bite your tongue!) I say, no way! I've tried that and it's just all wrong for me...and I've learned that in order to be the best person I can be I have to start the day out with a little quiet, a little thinking and maybe a little counting. The best way to appear to be a happy person is to be a happy person...no poser ever conviced anyone of anything for very long! In a society that tries to convice us that an overly busy person equals a person of worth, we can easily be pressured to participate in the constant sprint that surrounds us. Me?...I choose to predict and view 14 blooms before I leave for work tomorrow. Everyone around me will be the better for it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely! Lovely!

I was so happy one day when the old apricot tree in my backyard, which usually gets maybe 6 bird eaten before they drop fruit at the very top, rained gold!

I woke up one morning and opened the blinds to find 8 - 10 ripe apricots littering the yard. I rushed out to gather them up and all but one was intact!

The beauty of God's creation indeed!