Monday, April 14, 2008

God thinks your knees are cute!

Yesterday in Dr. Fiedler's sermon, we were asked to think about how we approach God. When you get a visual of approaching God, do you think of yourself standing there with one hand in your pocket and a Diet Coke in the other saying, "Hey God...Wassup?...Howsit hanging?" Or are you more inclined to approach with a little more awe and humility? I know that when I'm in worship the most meaningful communion with God happens when I'm on my knees. The only thing better would be to be laying flat on my face in prayer but I can only do that at home.
Yesterday, our church dedicated new kneelers for the communion rail. I have to say they are really cushy not to mention amazingly beautiful. A total of 13 families or groups purchased them for the church in honor or in memory of a loved one...then a larger group of people spent two years stiching all 13 kneelers by hand. What a perfect expression of love for those honored, those who stiched and for the members and visitors of this church who will for years kneel in awe of God in our sanctuary.

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