Sunday, December 30, 2007

Lost in the river bottom

Maybe you're thinking I got lost over the Christmas holiday after our wild night of light gawking in Austin. I promise, I'm still existing on the face of this earth. It is so easy to get lost at the farm. We spent our days around Christmas at my sisters and then the day after Christmas came to Blackacre to spend a week sleeping in the cabin, taking walks to the Guadelupe and doing projects with my mom and dad. I've decided that my biggest achievement of 2007 is burning out a huge tree stump. Dad knew I would love that job so he saved it for me. Let's not talk about what that might say about me :)
I know I always write the same things about the farm but it's always true...I truly get my 'fix' in being in this place. The sounds, the sights and the answers I seem to find here. I know it's because all the other junk is out of my way and I can clearly hear what God has to say to me.
Anyway, I hope you all had a meaningful Christmas and that 2008 is full of growth, peace and love.


JiM said...

What is Blackacre? Where is your farm?

Rachel's Revelations said...

Blackacre is a 116 acre pecan farm located on Hwy 90 between Seguin and Gonzales. My step dad and his cousins bought it in the 60s. When my mom met my step dad, it was at this farm (they were set up by his aunt who was also my mom's teaching mentor) It's the best place EVER!!!!!

JiM said...

I remember going to a Willie Nelson, 4th-of-July picnic many years ago, in a field somewhere around Gonzalez. I also remember the natural beauty, or should I say the au naturel beauty of the stock pond swimming. Probably wasn't your family's place :)