Thursday, September 6, 2007

Blessing of the Animals

I've been working with our new associate minister, Rev. Kathryn Ransdell on a launch event for our newest ministry here at FUMC Dallas...It's called UrbanLife. Soon the website will be up and full of exciting information...When it's ready I will add it to my favorites so you'll have easy access...

In the meantine, Kathryn has been working diligently to build this new ministry that focuses on young professionals living in Downtown and Uptown Dallas...our immediate parish. The launch event for UrbanLife is the Blessing of the Animals which will happen on Sunday, October 7th at 5:30 p.m. in Reverchon Park on the Katy Trail. Members and non members of the church will bring their pets to the park and there will be a mass blessing of the ones that are a blessing to so many humans. The ministers will be in their robes, the SPCA will be there with opportunities for us to adopt animals and of course plastic pools for splashing (the pets, not the humans...unless you want us to point and laugh.) Just a good and meaningful time for all.

Some may say, "How can the church feel good about spending money on a ceremony that focuses on muts, cats and whatever else people put on the end of a leash?!" I've actually heard that a lot. But let's think about this. In introducing people to a church congregation...what SHOULD be our focus? Do we need the event to be "churchy"? Should our T-shirts have John 3:16 glowing in neon green with a WWJD just below that?? (hmmm...looks this is a continuation of yesterday blog entry) Or can we simply have an event where we can serve and love and meet new people.

I think people are just people and we all should relate to each as just....people...People who have pets (or not), enjoy the outdoors and might also enjoy experiencing a church family who is made up of normal people of all kinds. As I said yesterday, we 'churchies' (ha, a new word) need to be particularly in tune with how we present Christ. Will Christ be introduced as judging and unapproachable or as loving and accepting. We get to choose that in our words and actions. So whether you believe all pets go to heaven or not (shame if you don't ha!) come to the Blessing of the Animals for an amazing moment of fellowship, fun and blessings!

1 comment:

Ark Lady said...

I am sending Rev. Kathryn information on my book, Blessing of the Animals because it will be a good resource for your first event!

It also discusses how you can get people to cross religious boundaries and grow your ministry with pet blessings. Please feel free to visit my website to preview excerpts--and let me know if I can help via telephone.