Monday, November 10, 2008

Where do I begin???

You and I both heard all about this Saturday night and yesterday morning. Here is the message posted and ready for preaching outside First Baptist Church,Dallas...our 'kitty corner' neighbor. But it's taken me all this time to be calm enough about it to just address it for what it is. As the Director of Evanglism of FUMC Dallas, I struggle to find the Christlike love, respect and inclusion into God's kingdom in this sermon title. I'm still just a little jolted by it. Just the judging message of 'I'm Okay, You're Not' sends an icky feeling up my spine and makes my heart sink. So far, the sermon transcript has not been posted on their website nor is it available on YouTube. I want to hear what the senior minister has to say before I fully crumple on the floor in response. In the meantime, I'm comforted by the Traditional, Relevant and Inclusive nature of the congregation of which I'm a member. I can invite any and everyone to my home church and know that they will experience the love of Christ. I don't have much to offer as an individual but as child of God, I can invite others to experience the embrace of a loving God.

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