Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving List

Can it really be here already?!?!? Is it really Thanksgiving? Should I be looking for "the Great Pumpkin"? No wait, that's Halloween and that's already over so I guess it really is here...Thanksgiving weekend. Making my Thanksgiving list is like making my list for Santa...I actually have to write it all down so that on Thanksgiving night after all the leftovers are safely tucked into the fridge and everyone has refused their last piece of pie, I can hunker down into my cot in the cabin and start my private bedtime prayers. Hmmm... should I list my topics of thanks alphabetically or in the order they happened? okay, seriously...this is starting to sound trite!

I really do have this thing about doing some prayer in private at least once a day. I know that prayer is powerful in the sanctuary among 800 other people on a Sunday morning but boy...do I look forward to that time of private conversation with God...the One who really knows what I'm thinking even if I did put on my best face during the day.

If you read my last post you know I'm already giving thanks for those who are surrounding us. But I made an addition to my list today after my surgery. Number 22...Thank you for the peace you never fail to bestow upon me. " I don't know why I'm always surprised by God's continuous delivery of peace. Today, peace came to us swiftly and we actually had a renewing and peaceful day while recovering. I think that if we can all set apart a time each day to actually LISTEN to God, that peace and wholeness would come to us every day in every situation. I guess it always has to do with whether or not we're listening...being still...and nothing to do with whether or not God is hearing us. Number 23...Lord, help me to remember Number 22.

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