Thursday, August 30, 2007

Got that 'fed up' feeling!?!?!?

So here's what happens when you get back to work after a week of not clear off 150 emails regarding free degrees, people wanting you to be the heir to their greatgrandfather's uncle's son's wife's fortune and some other unmentionable topics regarding enhancement. Then you get a good look at the stuff that went wrong that you were ultimately responsible for. Then the post vacation blues really hit when you realize that it's going to be this way until at least Thanksgiving...but then you say, "Hey, wait a minute. I'm on the staff of a downtown church and Lent and Christmas worships, studies and activities are just around the corner..." Aghhhhhhhh! And don't forget about the Chili Cook off that's after the first of the year!!! Wow, I gotta get a grip! I don't know who that little girl in the picture is but boy does her face embody my feelings right now. What to do, what to do???
Okay, take a deep breath, get that look off your face and get it together! How does one get it together when all you want to do is let it all fall apart? First, get something to drink (no, I'm only suggesting some hot tea or something, geez!) Now, take full advantage of the organizational qualities that God so generously bestowed upon you. Next, take a deep breath and repeat after me..."It's okay to be fed up but GET OVER YOURSELF ALREADY!"
Like every other feeling and emotion we have, it's healthy for only so long. God gave us every emotion we have (yeah, a present!) but we have to use the free will God gave us and recognize when we need to move on to the next more productive emotion. I'm pretty sure that when we feel stuck, it's our own doing. We often feel like victims of our emotions...sadness, anger, being fed up. But how can we function when we roll around in the scent of these emotions. They just get even more stuck on us and it's that much harder to shake it off. So, now I must go and shake this off by brewing some ginger tea, taking a quick walk around downtown and then try to get started try it too :)

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