When the dark days come, we need to remember that even if a secret sabotuer - depression - is at work temporarily derailing our progress (or so it seems), each day offers us a gift if we will only look for it. Sometimes we're sad for a very apparent reason - a overwhelming loss, for example, or worries over money or health. Other time we don't know why we feel so bad, which makes us feel even worse. It could be for a million different reasons - an appalling lack of appreciation (by ourselves and by others), exhaustion, the weather, hormones, the advent of the flu, or simply part of the process of personal transformation. It's on days like these that you can barely get yourself dressed and out the door. You look like hell and couldn't care less. You can't remember if you took a shower yesterday or when the last time was you washed your hair. Life seems bleak, not bright with promise. It's taking more work than you expected to discover who you really are, and now you're no longer sure you even want to find out.
What should you do? You have two choices: One is simply to give in, stop resisting. You've got the blues, so sing them baby! But before you do ask for grace. Then have a good cry. Use an entire box of Puffs and make an impressive pile of them on the coffee table as you use them up.
The alternative is to shift gears. Ask for grace. Put the kettle on for a nice cup of tea. Eat some comfort food...you need the happy inducing serotonin kick. But don't eat it in front of the fridge. Sit down and savor your treat. Wash your face, put on lip gloss and your newest jammies. Brush your teeth, turn out the light, thank God for the day and go to sleep.
Whichever route you take, the day will be over within 24 hours and you might feel better. If you don't feel better, love yourself enough to call for help. Get your doctor on the phone and talk and take action.